Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Lesson plan: Tipperary and Censorship

A diversion from the usual posts but one that may be of interest to any teachers who are following - I would use the below with Year 9 - it assumes they have access to a PC and I would have a discussion about what censorship is, possibly linking it to today and ask for ideas about what should be censored in the trenches and why (see last link for more)

Have a look at the small article below - it is taken from Punch magazine in November 1914 - answer the following questions

1) Fill in the missing words

2) Why might they have been censored? Was this a sensible decision?

3) What point is the writer making about censorship in the First World War?

For staff - there are 2 links below - the first one is from R4 Today in 2012 about the history of the song


The second one contains the lyrics:


further activities - censor a letter - I get students to write a "no holds barred" account of trench life containing all the dangers and irritations - it can be a good revision piece - it is then passed to a partner who censors it using the criteria discussed earlier - (I ask them to highlight/put a thin line through parts to be censored so they can still be read later)

The postcard below has been through the field censor process so can be shown as an example:

Further links can be made to music in WW1 - see link below - recruitment and morale


and also the role that the postal service played in WW1 - there's a section on censorship in this article as well


Sunday, 23 November 2014

The Problem of the Mons Star

A brief blog post but too long to tweet - but in a year of centenaries one was passed last night that some many have missed - to be awarded the Mons Star you needed to have served before 22 November 1914 - to gain the clasp you needed to have come under fire during this time - follow the link below to an image and details of the awarding criteria for it and all the campaign medal relevant to the Great War


Relatively few were awarded compared to other medals due to the nature of the BEF at this time - even fewer of these men were still serving on the front line by 1918 - but George Coward - by this time of the Royal Engineers and initially of the Somerset Light Infantry was, he possessed the Star and Clasp (see a previous blog post for a review of his diary - his vivid account of Ligny/Le Cateau leaves us in no doubt about this) and it affected him in both a positive and a negative way in 1918

Just as the German Spring Offensive was beginning in March 1918 Pt Coward was diagnosed with Pleurisy and sent back, under protest from himself and superiors, to England. He notes that on the way home what he describes as his "Mons medal ribbon" is noticed by an American orderly, who is hugely impressed by this - the information is passed to a Major who writes HSC on his medical card - which meant "Medical Ship, cabin". Coward describes it as the comfiest bed he has had for some time.

Back in England, this bit of ribbon becomes a problem, keen to re-join his unit, Coward is told "you have done your bit" and that his time on the front line was over - he tries again when as he has "pals" still out there and expresses a desire to be there at the end and to escape "baby parades" with new conscripts - he is again told that no man who served in 1914 is being sent back out

A reminder that you can order the diary of Pt George Coward here:


Thursday, 20 November 2014

Welcome to Plug Street

The period after the battle at St Yves at the end of October until late November was a relatively quiet one for the 1st Bn Somerset Light Infantry, the 1st Battle of Ypres had was drawing to a close and the battalion spent a lot of time digging in and improving defences in a part of the front that was quiet. This was vital work as at the time they were rudimentary. In his diary Pt George Coward described the trenches themselves as a series of unconnected ditches, which made going the aid of a platoon in trouble particularly hazardous. The defences in front of the line were equally poor - consisting of lines of old tins on a wire that would make a noise and alert the defenders in the event of an enemy attack, little wonder that early in November all four companies can be found on trench digging duty and beginning a second line of defences. Some of the everyday inconveniences of trench life also start to emerge, the mud is 3 feet deep in places and makes movement difficult, the war diary decides that frost is by some margin better than rain for the men in the line.

The Somersets were by this time in Ploegsteert Wood, known to the men as Plug Street and soon to witness the Christmas Truce, the area was reasonably peaceful for much of the war, the link below takes you a map produced by Capt Emdean of the Accrington Pals in 1918, but the trench lines haven't changed much over the years and the place names were those given by the soldiers based there in 1914 - note Somerset House (if you know the area well this is opposite Ploegsteert Wood Cemetery) Mud Corner - now a CWCG cemetery is also named, it is just along from Prowse Point, the front line in 1914 and in the middle of the map. Mud Corner doesn't sound a nice place to be posted but may have a marginally nicer option than Dead Horse Corner, which also features on the map.


The image below is from the Times Illustrated History and is from the section dealing with Winter 1914. It may well be fanciful but there are elements that do match the record - the wood was still full of trees, the shattered stumps of no-mans land come later and there are images in the IWM archive that are dated early 1915 and show trenches in this area surrounded by trees. This may reflect the fact that Ploegsteert was heavily wooded and so many would survive, but shelling had died down at this time. Anyone who saw the recent War of Words on war poets would have noted however that when the shells did start flying the splinters caused by the trees being hit could cause some terrible injuries.

From the Times Illustrated History

The naming of trenches and pathways after real places is also a nice touch, there are some on display in the IWM and on the map above there are a few - The Strand can be seen below the word Ploegsteert many of the place names have a London connection, possibly because the London Rifle Brigade were close by but also due to familiarity. The grave near a dug-out is a bit chilling if it  is accurate and may explain why so many of the men killed at this time have no known grave and are recorded on the Ploegsteert Memorial.

Although the Somersets suffer few casualties they are never taken out of the line at this time, there are not enough men left to do that, it means no rest and also no new training to prepare them for attempting to take a German trench. Which would be their aim in December

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Christmas Truce brainteaser

The new Sainsbury's advert has created a lot of debate with the depiction of a full-blown football match and also with the more general issue of using the event to sell more groceries - in the local area there has been some comment about the company producing this advert also being involved in a plan to demolish the Memorial Stadium in Bristol (the clue is in the name) as part of a scheme to provide a new stadium for Bristol Rovers FC

What the debate has shown is that people care a great deal about the events of the Truce and also as a historian of sorts there has been a rewarding debate about exactly what level of proof is required when deciding the truth of an event - there are plenty of records of football matches played and scores recorded but for many that is not enough - they are based on hearsay or may have been exaggerated - follow Taff Gillingham on twitter if you have enough stamina as the debate has been going on for a fair few days as I write. From what I have seen there is evidence of informal football - Rob Schafer recently tweeted a translation from a German account where the soldier stated he had "played ball" with the English.

This also matches what I would regard in a slightly unscientific way as the most likely scenario - lots of young men standing in the open on a cold day after being stuck virtually underground may want some exercise but given the conditions recorded in the Somersets War Diary (in Ploegsteert and involved in a lengthy truce) - mud and lots of it, in addition to the damage caused by shellfire an organised match seems unlikely

To the question.

What connects the new Katherine Jenkins album, the cartoon below, the 1st Battalion, Somerset Light Infantry and the 1914 Christmas Truce?

If answers are submitted on a postcard please ensure they are of a suitably patriotic nature and that they also meet the requirements of the field censor (see example below)- otherwise use the contact link on the blog. I will tweet the answer and update the post on 24 December


Update with answer - 23 December

The War Diary of the 1st Battalion Somerset Light Infantry contains the following entry for 25th December

"There was much singing in the trenches last night by both sides - the Germans brought up their Regimental Band and played theirs and our national anthems (same tune at that time?) and "Home Sweet Home" "

Therefore the connection is as follows - the new Katherine Jenkins album is called "Home Sweet Home" - the cartoon above contains the most famous lyric from the song and it was sung by the Somersets and the Germans opposite at PlugStreet Wood on Christmas Eve (not Silent Night)

It is a song with a surprising history - it dates from the US Civil War and was not popular with senior officers as it was felt to encourage homesickness and possibly desertion - so an interesting choice by the Germans - there are 2 links to the song below so have a listen to the lyrics yourself - the first is a more new-age Christmas version and the second an acoustic US version

Merry Christmas & thanks for taking the time to read this..



Friday, 14 November 2014

Private Coward's Diary

Disclaimer - I have nothing to do with the publishing of this book and given the title of the blog I am naturally going to enjoy the diary of the member of the Somerset Light Infantry - if you have come here via the twitter feed of The Somersets the chances are you will too.

Coward's War
An ‘Old Contemptible’s’ View of the Great War
by Tim Machin

To make one thing clear: this is his real name and this is not a more depressing version of Private Peaceful. George Coward was a Private in the Somerset Light Infantry - he joined in 1906 and had travelled the world with the Battalion in the years before the Great War, he seems to have enjoyed his time in Malta in particular and despite all that happens later argues that joining the army is a desirable career for anyone starting from his station in life, but admits he missed an opportunity to save the Battalion a lot of problems when the Kaiser passes him in the street on his way to review the Battalion in Valletta

George leaves the service in 1913 and struggles to find well-paid work before the outbreak of war, although I was interested to find he would at one stage have been the postman on the street I currently live on. This contrasts with a comrade who at one stage in 1914 states he is about to exact revenge on the Germans for costing him a well-paid job when he was called out of the reserve in August 1914 - no comment is made about defending Belgium.

George reports to the Drill Hall in Bath at the outbreak of war, re-joins his Battalion and heads off to France after a period of training.


He is involved in the fighting at Le Cateau, which the Somersets refer to this as the Battle of Ligny, it is the first eyewitness account I have read (one of the reasons I set up the twitter account/blog is that the Somersets do not seem to have left many records and it seemed the centenary would pass them by) it is, to put it mildly, vivid. His account of the war at this time matches exactly that given in the war diary - both in fact and tone - for example neither has any regard at all for the standard of French railways.

I will not cover his story blow by blow - you should order the book for that, but I will summarise the other aspects he covers so you can judge for yourselves

He is injured during the action at St Yves at the end of October 1914 that gave rise to the name Prowse Point, departs to hospital and returns to the front in 1915 on the Yser. This means he is not present for the Christmas Truce, which is a great shame as a diarist would have surely have left an excellent account of the event. He moves from the front line to become a signaller (eventually moving to the Royal Engineers), which means he sees the action from close range, including the first day of the Somme but does not go over the top again. This may explain why he was able to serve from 1914-1918. He is by no means out of danger though and experiences a number of potentially life-threatening situations, including a memorably dangerous day visiting the front line with Major CB Prowse, George admires him a great deal and devotes an entire chapter to this. If you have read a number of dairies then his expertise as a "scrounger" and as a signaller may be new to you. Lovers of slang may be interested to see how many of the phrases he apologises for as army slang that a general reader would not understand are now part of regular language. He is also able to compare warfare in 1914 with that in 1918, for example the way trenches are constructed. He suffers a gas attack and there are several long and terrifying nights in the open trying to repair broken lines.

The diaries were written with an eye to being published, the editor lets George speak, there is a separate section summarising the story of the Battalion and he uses footnotes to add context about events, places and people, so if you know the story there is no interruption. The last chapter contains some strong words about those who did not serve during the war and the terms he uses to describe the people and places he came across during his travels in the army would not be used today.

Falling ill with pleurisy during the German spring offensive in 1918 he recovers and tries to get sent back to join his friends, he is told that those who went out in 1914 had "done their bit" and so is in England at the end of the war. After being demobbed George returned to Bath after and struggled to find work again, he became a member of the Old Contemptible's Association and was a regular at the Hop Pole pub, which is still in business today

On a customer service note - I ordered the book and it didn't arrive, I contacted the firm and they sent another one without asking any questions


Saturday, 8 November 2014

Major CB Prowse - From Le Cateau to Prowse Point

CB Prowse in 1909 - Bath in Time
Major CB Bertie Prowse became CO of the Somerset Light Infantry shortly after the Battalion arrived in France, he is one of many officers who help give the lie to the "Lions led by Donkeys" argument, his actions in the first few weeks of the war made a material difference to the fate of his men and of the course of the war in the areas he was involved in. On 1st July 1916 he became the most senior officer to be killed on the first day of the Somme, characteristically as he moved forward with his men. this means he is not buried in Prowse Point Cemetery, near Ploegsteert, the only cemetery on the Western Front named after an individual.

The Somersets arrived in France in late August 1914, just too late for the battle of Mons but just in time to run into the German army at Le Cateau, their part of the action started on the evening of the 25th August and is referred to in the War Diary of the Somerset Light Infantry as the battle of Ligny, in common with the rest of the BEF they suffered heavy casualties and embarked on the long retreat - marching nearly 200 miles in the next 2 weeks, with very little rest or food, being pursued by the German army.

In the chaos of Ligny/Le Cateau the Battlion seems to have split into 3 parts, Major Prowse, not then CO, seems to have gathered up many of the men and marched them rapidly through France until they could be come together again a few days later. Exactly where the men went was still being discussed in 1922, one of the letters and an accompanying map is shown here:

From the War Diary - one of a series of letter investigating the aftermath of Le Cateau

The next stage of the Somersets progress in covered in the post "The road to Ploegsteert". After the Great Retreat the Battalion was addressed by Major Prowse as they prepared to turn and face the enemy. The event was recorded in the diary of Pt George Coward who states that Major Prowse "spoke to use like a father" he seems to have been popular with the men, many of whom had served with him for years.

The race to the sea turned into the First Battle of Ypres and on 30-31 October 1914 Major Prowse lead the Somersets in a stand near the village of St Yves that caused the area and later  cemetery to be named Prowse Point

Map from 1915 showing St Yves

On the 30th October the Hampshire Regiment came under sustained attack from the German forces, the Somersets were in reserve when a report came through that the Germans were breaking through the lines and that one Platoon was wiped and a trench destroyed by a sustained artillery bombardment. Initially Major Prowse orders a platoon undet 2/Lt Braithwaite (whose trench map from a few days earlier you can see in the post Tobacco Screen) was sent to support the Hampshire Regiment, Braithwaite's force appears to have arrived just in time - they place a barricade across the road and in the words of the War Diary inflict "great slaughter" on the Germans, the next day the Royal Engineers report more than 70 dead Germans on the wire.

The situation remained critical however and at this point the diary records that at this moment Major Prowse, having personally reconnoitred the position "turned his entire Battalion against them". This instinctive reaction was effective - the houses are cleared out and in the end it was found that the Germans had evacuated the trenches

On the 31st the situation was repeated - a second German attack on the Hampshire lines a short distance from the first - as shown on a sketch map which also shows the signature of Gen A Hunter-Weston, best known from the Gallipoli campaign

Sketch map showing the German attacks on 30-31 Oct

This attack was also repulsed, with some difficulty, it was initially reported that only a few Germans had occupied a Hampshire trench but when a detachment was sent the resistance was far stiffer than expected and the force was beaten back. the diary notes that during this engagement the Somersets manage to pull 2 Germans from the trench, the diary records that 1 was shot and 1 taken prisoner. An immediate counter-attack is launched but, again, it is found that the Germans are gone. It is notable that the Somersets, unlike the Hampshires, suffer very few casualties over the 2 days.

Lance Corporal Arthur Jenkins recorded the events in 2 letter he sent home - his story is told in the most recent post - Visitors: Canadians & Kings

"We have had a fine time of it since 21 October, fighting non-stop.. we had a hand-to scrap on the 21st, I was in the thick of it"

Arthur Jenkins recalls the events at Prowse Point
I am grateful to the local historians who found this account in the book "In the company of heroes"

"By heaven aunt what a time we have had, talk about hell on earth.."

Major Prowse later recorded his own account of the action, which was added to the War Diary and is shown below - it looks as if the rank Lt Col has been written over the original rank of Major...

An account of the action in St Yves written by Major Prowse in late November 1914

Major Prowse became well-known as a result of the stand at St Yves, he is shown here in the Illustrated London News, alongside many of the heroes of the first few weeks of the war. (I used to work with Pt Drain's Grandson and helped him research the story.


Prowse Point, as I have mentioned, is now a CWGC Cemetery, it the ditch at the front marks the front line at Christmas 1914 and the field opposite hosted the Christmas Truce, which is for another post